Hi On Sunday while Grant and the boys were caving, the girls and I were doing what we do best..........swimming and hanging out by the pool. I am a fish and I love to swim all the time whether that be in the beach or the pool. Liz, Rachel, Amy, and I spent the afternoon swimming, laying out, and chatting. It was very relaxing and stressfree. I love getting to know these girls more every time we hang out and feel so blessed to have them in my life. They make living in Saipan amazing!
After the boys came back-which was a fun reunion we watched the boys swim and then headed to Wild Bill(a local restaurant) and all ate dinner together. It was seriously one of my favorite days in Saipan and the kicker is we all planned it last minute. It was an amazing day!
Here are some of my favorite pics from the day!
That was one of the funnest Sundays ever- i love the picture i took of you and Grant when he's in the pool- adorable! love your blog!