Dear Friends, Family, and Readers:
I thought I would share a brief blog with you showing some pictures from a middle school basketball game at our school since it is a very different environment from recreational basketball league in the states. Our students need lots of encouragement as basketball (as a team sport) is new to them and they are still getting used to playing and learning the rules, but here are a few pictures for your enjoyment. The games we watched were the girls who played first and the boys who played second. I have also posted a video of a student of mine named Andy as he demonstrates his Yo Yo skills. He told me he has been in three competitions, so I filmed him after school. It is neat to be a part of the lives of so many talented and for the most part respectful kids. I hope you enjoy.
Sincerely, Grant
Grant, I love reading your updates on the blog- i get to see Kara's point of view and yours! Those b-ball pictures are so cute- go SCS!