It has been a while since I have blogged and sadly I have misplaced the list I had made of things I wanted to blog about, so you will have to put up with my scattered thoughts and the tid bits I remember. First, about a month ago our S.C.S. Volleyball Team won the junior high championship, which is a feat they had not achieved in some time. Fortunately, all the new teachers were able to attend the championship game and enjoy the sweetness that comes from a win. This is old news, but alas I have not shared it anyway.
Second, the pictures I have attached for this blog entry are of my students and their mini-marsh mellow creations that they made during their Merit Party. At our school students are rewarded with a merit party each quarter, if they have less than 2 tardies, no missing assignments, no behavior slips, and no detentions. The most coveted of merit parties is the third quarter, which has not happened yet as we are currently in the 6th week of the second quarter. I suggested the marsh mellow creations as part of their fun. I would have used “Dots” candy, but I didn’t find any the night before and they would have been more expensive. My fellow homeroom teacher, Ms. Nierras , ran most of the afternoon, but we shared our ideas and had a great time with the students, while those who didn’t earn merit party were outside in the hot sun cleaning up the campus of litter and twigs.
Third, I finished the book Born Again by: Charles W. Colson. For those of you who have not read the book, Chuck Colson was President Nixon’s right hand man during the Watergate scandal even though as the book explains, he was not the main person responsible for the break in. The book is the personal testimony of Chuck Colson and his coming to a “personal” relationship with Christ. If you ever want to know more about it you can ask me by e-mail or Facebook message. The first thing I took away from the book was that pride can be at the heart of so many evils in the world and can creep into a person so slyly that it remains unnoticed until the poop hits the fan and the world a person thinks they know decays around them. Secondly, I learned how important it is to rely on the wisdom of those in the faith you have surrounded yourself with, even if those people had once been your political enemy in Christ Jesus they can become your brother. I was encouraged by Colson’s willingness to take advice from his new found Christian brothers in government when he was in the heat of persecution. The story was truly amazing and I would recommend it to anyone who likes Christian non-fiction and doesn’t mind large words and a little political rhetoric mixed in.
Lastly, some random things I discovered were the fact that mixing Kraft Mexican style Cheese (the kind with taco seasoning, not jalapeƱo flavor), you know, the blue 8oz bags you can find at the grocery store? Well, if you mix that in tomato soup it kind of begins to taste like pizza if you crunch up some crackers and put that type of cheese in the soup. It tasted pretty good. The next book I am about to start is the classic American novel The Deerslayer. I will let you know what I think of it when I finish a month or two from now haha. I was going to give a humorous movie review of the early Liam Neeson film “Dark Man” but I am afraid that will have to wait as I have already written too much, perhaps I will blog about that tomorrow or on the weekend. Needless to say the movie was hilarious and cheaply made. I hope you enjoy our blog! Sincerely, Grant
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