Hi Everyone~
I have felt the need to blog more so that way I can keep you all updated and for me it is a good time of reflection.
This past weekend we had 2 parties at our house, the first was Rachel's birthday and the second was our Halloween Party. I find it funny that we had a Halloween party this year, because we had one last year and I just did not think we would have a group of friends this fast. God has definitely blessed us with friends which most of them are couples which has been a new exciting dynamic to have.
My friend suggested that we have a party so we did. It was a hit. We had people dressing up, we ate a dinner of sloppy joes, and watched a scary movie. I have to admit that scary movies make me nervous so I had to sit by Grant and hold his hand:0
Enjoy the pics!
Last saturday I went to lao lao bay resort pool again with the Stone Family, Amanda and Anna, and the Slaugbaughs. It was a relaxing afternoon by the pool, cant go wrong there.
This week was a fast week and it was a hard one for a lot of people in our school since lots of sickness has been going around. Grant has had a fever and has not been 100% this week so we are hoping he can rest more this weekend. I have felt as though I am becoming a better teacher each week and feel more comfortable teaching everyday. I am tougher on my kids and they know it. I always tell them if you work hard it means we can have some fun later which I stick too.
I have been enjoying bible study, tennis, and dance class as my usual weekly routine. This dance class week we reviewed the steps from the previous weeks and I felt as though I knew a lot of the moves and had a ton of fun.
I am excited about the weekend to rest, go out to eat, and spend time with Grant.
Miss you all!
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