Saturday, October 30, 2010

Dry Grotto, Game Night, and Rachel's B-day!

Hi Everyone,
This past week has been a great week full of hiking, games, and birthday celebrations. Last saturday we hiked the Dry Grotto, what that means is it is a huge opening where you can view out and see the ocean. We had a fun drive through the jungle and then started the hike. We climbed right by the ocean cliff and got to see some amazing views. It was gorgeous. To get in to the Grotto you have to pull yourself down using a rope. It was a lot of fun and a good time with friends. Then we went to Obeyan Beach and swam. I only like hiking if there is a beach involved in the end:) I am so blessed that God has given me so many friends here on saipan, they make being far away from home easier.
Last Saturday we had dinner and game night at the Franklin's House. Elizabeth made the enchiladas and we all brought something to share. It was a good time and we all liked playing catch phrase.
This week has been a good week and we have enjoyed teaching, going to the beach, and going to bible study. My 1st graders performed in chapel on Friday by singing the Hippo Song, Radical God, and Big House. We have been practicing all year for this and they did a good job! I chose to celebrate Halloween with my kids and we made Mr. Bones art project, halloween cards, and halloween worksheets. I also spoiled them with halloween candy:)
Yesterday was Rachel's (a good friend of mine) birthday. Her husband planned it all out and we met at Oleai's (a beach bar and grill) for dinner and then everyone came over here. It was a lot of fun being able to celebrate! It was our first party we have hosted and the next one will be tomorrow night for Halloween!

1 comment:

  1. Awww these are SUCH great pictures Kara!! i love the first one of us! love you (and your blog) lots and lots!! Rachel
