Dear Readers, Family, and Friends,
March has been off to a great start so far. The science fair went well and all the parents enjoyed seeing their students projects. After the long week it was so nice to be able to spend time with friends. On Friday night Grant and I went over to Laura and Josiah's for swimming and dinner. It was a great time to get to know them even more and to spend time together. I made my mom's famous Italian Pasta Bake and Laura and Josiah made the broccoli, I definitely feel like an adult realizing that we can have our own dinner parties:) Saturday Grant and I went to Managaha which is the island outside of Saipan which is surrounded by reef. We went with our friends Amy and Matt. It is free for locals to go and so we like to use it when we want a day off island. It was such a beautiful day and we had a wonderful time spending time with Amy and Matt. I enjoyed snorkeling about and then feeding bread to the tropical fish. They swarm and it is so neat to watch, I always feel like I'm in an aquarium. It was a bit colder than usual and our time there was shorter since that was the only time we could get, but it was still an amazing day! It was relaxing to spend time admiring the beautiful water and to see all the multicolored fish. Saturday night we headed to Laura and Josiah's to watch the movie Alice In Wonderland. Great movie! Sunday I volunteered for the nursery at church and most likely will not volunteer again, I was expecting to watch babies which I am really good at, but I had a whole room of 5 year old boys! crazyness! Then all of us girls got together and spent the afternoon at the pool, getting ice cream, and watching Fame. I love girl time and love these girls so being able to spend time together made my day! This weekend was so great because of the people in it and I feel so blessed to have such great friends here. I am working on being more spontaneous and not planning ahead as much and just going with the moment since about half the events this weekend were last minute but wonderful. I am by trait very time organized and am working all the time on island time!!!! Saipan is amazing!
Here are some pictures from the weekend!
I love these pictures and love love girl time too! Saturday night and Sunday swimming was so fun- especially the ice cream part :) Amy's blue dress is really cute in the picture above- i've never seen it before. Love you Kara Jane!