Dear Family, Friends, and Followers:
As I write I am suffering from a persistent cough/mucus cold that won't seem to leave me so picture that as you read this...not tropical paradise. Lately, I've been thinking about the various new things about God I am learning and about Saipan in general so here are my thoughts.
God is good. In church our pastor in Saipan, Pastor Dickerman, just finished a series that was on the topic of Sex and Relationships. Many of the congregation are now thankful that it is over, but despite the odd topic that is not so frequently talked about, I did pick up on a few things. Perhaps they were things I knew, but the way they were said in the sermon made things easy to think about. One thing he said that I think a lot of young men in my generation should take to heart is the fact when a guy desires to have sex with a girl before marriage they are asking that woman to "disrespect themselves." I find it deplorable that many young men will only date women if they are allowed to sleep with them before marriage... The second thing that he said that I knew but was said well is a two fold statement that are in regard to the greatest need for men and women in a marriage relationship:
#1) For women, he stated that their greatest need is to feel secure in the love of their husband. #1) For men was that we are respected by our wives. When I thought about my own marriage I figured in my heart that this was right and good.
Soon, I am going to start a program on Sunday Morning Adult Bible Study called "The Truth Project," which is a DVD series that is sponsored by Focus on the Family, though the topic of the study is not anything like what Mr. Dobson normally talks about. The study will be somewhat philosophical (which I like) and will explain many of the worldviews people have today and will relate them to Christ. It will be a two hour Bible study starting at 8am and going up until the start of church. I will share what I learn as I learn it.
Thoughts about Saipan. You know you live in Saipan when you go to lick your bills and the adhesive is no longer sticky because moisture has ruined it haha Also, I opened my first coconut with a machete' yesterday and will probably make a short video later of my technique for those of you wishing to see me lose a finger haha I have attached to this blog various photos from Saipan. I hope you enjoy them. Their explanations are below...many of them are local things that I felt I should take pictures of I am going to try and do that more to capture every day Saipan life when I see it and have my camera along.
-The picture in black and white of "The Big Dipper" is a locally owned ice cream shop that Kara and I like to frequent. Our friends tell us that the ice cream they use comes from Oregon, which is why it tastes so good.
-One is of Kara and Laura Kyonka with the Pacific Ocean surf in the background crashing into the shores off of Banzai.
-One is of a business/apartment building on beach road that was semi-run down and had a cool look in the sunlight when taken in black and white in bright sun.
-Lastly a picture of a green lizard we noticed scurrying up a tree while we were on our walk. It was very shiny.
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