Hi Everyone,
So much has happened in August that it truly has felt like a whirlwind. We finished our jobs at Marianas Trekking on July 29th and started working at school on the 1st. Some people asked it was hard that we did not have a break between the two and I said that it was okay because after school was out we had 3 weeks to hang out on Saipan and relax.
The first week spent in my classroom went fast. It definately was easier setting up the classroom this year than the last year. I knew what books went where, how to set up the bulletin boards, and how to arrange the desks to maximize space. I felt so much confidence in getting ready than the 1st year. It is nice to be able to have a year under your belt and to know what to expect. Since college I have always been at a job for a year or less and I have always had to adjust to a new job situation so it was a nice transition this year. The only thorn that happened was when half of my curriculum did not come and of the half, one fourth had not been ordered even though I requested them back last year. I just sat there defeated and wondered what I was supposed to do since both areas (phonics and english) are my main focus. It took some tears and thought until I realized I could make it work by making copies and finding information online. The curriculum has been ordered but it might be Dec. before I see it.
I have 20 students this year. The majority of which are girls. This is different from last year when I had the majority of boys. It has meant so far that there are more tears and little girl fights to deal with such as she is not my friend and she gave me a bad look. The majority of my class are Korean, with the rest being Local, Chinese, Japanese, and one Caucasian student. They are definitely all cute which I have not been thinking about since I have been a tough teacher so far this year.
The first 2 weeks flew by and I have enjoyed the time I have spent with my students. It is a different class and I am taking things a lot slower due to where they at right now. Tests, homework, and studying are new topics for some of them. It is interesting to be able to compare classes after having taught one year and this year I have to explain everything a lot more. So I hope as time goes on the connections are there and they learn the study habits. I do think I am a tough teacher and I my goal is for them to be independent, responsible, well-behaved students by the time they reach 2nd grade.
It was different seeing my students from last year and thinking of all the memories I had shard with them the year before. They still wave and give me hugs which makes me smile!!! The 2nd grade teacher also commented on how much material they already know and told me I did a good job last year. This made me feel great since I had to learn as I went last year on how to teach.
On Thursday we had parent night and I was able to meet 18 of my 20 students parents. It was nice to be able to put a name to a face and to be there to answer questions. Being around parents is not as nerve-wrecking as it was last year.
So what I am trying to say is this school year has been going well, the second year of teaching is a whole lot easier, and I am excited to teach and make new memories with these students.
Hope you enjoy the pics!
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